- If it's a physical quantity, like stress,
then it's usually called a tensor.
If it's not a physical quantity, then it's usually called a matrix.
- The vast majority of engineering tensors are symmetric. One common quantity
that is not symmetric, and not referred to as a tensor, is a
rotation matrix.
- Tensors are in fact any physical quantity that can be represented by a scalar, vector, or matrix.
Zero-order tensors, like mass, are called scalars, while 1st order tensors are called
Examples of higher order tensors include stress,
strain, and stiffness tensors.
- The order, or rank, of a matrix or tensor is the number of subscripts
it contains. A vector is a 1st rank tensor. A 3x3
stress tensor is 2nd rank.
- Coordinate Transformations of tensors are discussed in detail here.
Identity Matrix
The identity matrix is
{\bf I} = \left[
1&0&0 \\
0&1&0 \\
} \right]
Multiplying anything by the identity matrix is like multiplying by one.
Tensor Notation
The identity matrix in
tensor notation
is simply \( \delta_{ij} \).
It is the Kronecker Delta that equals 1 when \( i = j \) and 0 otherwise.
Is It a Matrix or Not?
A note from the purists... The identity matrix is a matrix, but the Kronecker delta
technically is not. \( \delta_{ij} \) is a single scalar value that is either 1 or
0 depending on the values of \(i\) and \(j\). This is also why tensor notation is
not in bold, because it always refers to individual components of tensors, but never
to a tensor as a whole.
Follow this link
for an entertaining discussion between someone who
gets it, and someone else who doesn't.
Kronecker Delta verses Dirac Delta
Don't confuse the Kronecker delta, \(\delta_{ij}\), with the Dirac delta, \(\delta_{(t)}\).
The Dirac delta is something totally different. It is often used in signal processing and
equals 0 for all \(t\) except \(t=0\). At \(t=0\), it approaches \(\infty\) such that
\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(t) \delta_{(t)} dt = f(0)
The transpose of a matrix mirrors its components about the main diagonal. The transpose
of matrix \({\bf A}\) is written \({\bf A}^{\!T}\).
Transpose Example
\text{If}\qquad{\bf A} = \left[
1 & 2 & 3 \\
4 & 5 & 6 \\
7 & 8 & 9
} \right]
{\bf A}^{\!T} = \left[
1 & 4 & 7 \\
2 & 5 & 8 \\
3 & 6 & 9
} \right]
Tensor Notation
The transpose of \(A_{ij}\) is \(A_{j\,i}\).
The determinant of a matrix is written as det(\({\bf A}\)) or \(|{\bf A}|\), and is computed as
| {\bf A} | & = &
\matrix {
A_{11} & A_{12} & A_{13} \\
A_{21} & A_{22} & A_{23} \\
A_{31} & A_{32} & A_{33}
} \right| \\
& = &
A_{11} ( A_{22} A_{33} - A_{23} A_{32} ) + \\
& & A_{12} ( A_{23} A_{31} - A_{21} A_{33} ) + \\
& & A_{13} ( A_{21} A_{32} - A_{22} A_{31} )
If the determinant of a tensor, or matrix, is zero, then it does not have an inverse.
Tensor Notation
The calculation of a determinant can be written in
tensor notation
in a couple different ways
\text{det}( {\bf A} ) \; = \; \epsilon_{ijk} A_{i1} A_{j2} A_{k3} \; = \;
{1 \over 6} \epsilon_{ijk} \epsilon_{rst} A_{ir} A_{js} A_{kt}
Determinant Example
If \( {\bf A} = \left[
\matrix {
3 & 2 & 1 \\
5 & 7 & 4 \\
9 & 6 & 8
} \right]
\) ,
then its determinant is
| {\bf A} | & = & 3 * (7 * 8 - 4 * 6 ) +
2 * (4 * 9 - 5 * 8) +
1 * (5 * 6 - 7 * 9) \\
& & \\
& = & 3 * 32 + 2 * (-4) + 1 * (-33) \\
& & \\
& = & 96 - 8 - 33 \\
& & \\
& = & 55
The determinant of the product of two matrices is the same as the product of the
determinants of the two matrices. In other words,
\text{det}( {\bf A} \cdot {\bf B} ) = \text{det}( {\bf A} ) * \text{det}( {\bf B} )
The determinant of a
deformation gradient gives
the ratio of initial to final volume of a differential element.
The inverse of matrix \({\bf A}\) is written as \({\bf A}^{\!-1}\)
and has the following very important property
(see the
section on matrix multiplication below)
{\bf A} \cdot {\bf A}^{\!-1} = {\bf A}^{\!-1} \cdot {\bf A} = {\bf I}
If \({\bf B}\) is the inverse of \({\bf A}\), then
B_{11} & = & (A_{22} A_{33} - A_{23} A_{32} ) \; / \; \text{det}({\bf A}) \\
B_{12} & = & (A_{13} A_{32} - A_{12} A_{33} ) \; / \; \text{det}({\bf A}) \\
B_{13} & = & (A_{12} A_{23} - A_{13} A_{22} ) \; / \; \text{det}({\bf A}) \\
B_{21} & = & (A_{23} A_{31} - A_{21} A_{33} ) \; / \; \text{det}({\bf A}) \\
B_{22} & = & (A_{11} A_{33} - A_{13} A_{31} ) \; / \; \text{det}({\bf A}) \\
B_{23} & = & (A_{13} A_{21} - A_{11} A_{23} ) \; / \; \text{det}({\bf A}) \\
B_{31} & = & (A_{21} A_{32} - A_{22} A_{31} ) \; / \; \text{det}({\bf A}) \\
B_{32} & = & (A_{12} A_{31} - A_{11} A_{32} ) \; / \; \text{det}({\bf A}) \\
B_{33} & = & (A_{11} A_{22} - A_{12} A_{21} ) \; / \; \text{det}({\bf A}) \\
Inverse Example
If \( \quad {\bf A} = \left[
\matrix {
1 & 2 & 3 \\
4 & 2 & 2 \\
2 & 3 & 4
} \right] \quad
\( \quad
{\bf A}^{\!-1} = \left[
\matrix {
\;\;\;1 & \;\;\;0.5 & -1 \\
-6 & -1 & \;\;\;5 \\
\;\;\;4 & \;\;\;0.5 & -3
} \right] \quad
\matrix {
1 & 2 & 3 \\
4 & 2 & 2 \\
2 & 3 & 4
\matrix {
\;\;\;1 & \;\;\;0.5 & -1 \\
-6 & -1 & \;\;\;5 \\
\;\;\;4 & \;\;\;0.5 & -3
\matrix {
\;\;\;1 & \;\;\;0.5 & -1 \\
-6 & -1 & \;\;\;5 \\
\;\;\;4 & \;\;\;0.5 & -3
\matrix {
1 & 2 & 3 \\
4 & 2 & 2 \\
2 & 3 & 4
\matrix {
1 & 0 & 0 \\
0 & 1 & 0 \\
0 & 0 & 1
Tensor Notation
The inverse of \(A_{ij}\) is often written as \(A^{-1}_{ij}\).
Note that this is probably not rigorously correct since, as discussed earlier,
neither \(A_{ij}\) nor \(A^{-1}_{ij}\) are technically matrices themselves.
They are only components of a matrix. Oh well...
The inverse can be calculated using
A^{-1}_{ij} = {1 \over 2 \, \text{det} ({\bf A}) } \epsilon_{jmn} \, \epsilon_{ipq} A_{mp} A_{nq}
Matrix Inverse Webpage
This page calculates the inverse of a 3x3 matrix.
Transposes of Inverses of Transposes of...
The inverse of a transpose of a matrix equals the transpose of an inverse
of the matrix. Since the order doesn't matter, the double operation is abbreviated
simply as \({\bf{A}}^{\!-T}\).
{\bf{A}}^{\!-T} = \left( {\bf{A}}^{\!-1} \right)^{\!T} = \left( {\bf{A}}^T \right)^{\!-1}
Transpose / Inverse Example
If \( {\bf A} = \left[
\matrix {
1 & 2 & 3 \\
4 & 2 & 2 \\
2 & 3 & 4
} \right]
\left( {\bf{A}}^{\!-1} \right)^{T} : \qquad
\left[ \matrix {
1 & 2 & 3 \\
4 & 2 & 2 \\
2 & 3 & 4
} \right]
\left[ \matrix {
\;\;\; 1 & \;\;\;\; 0.5 & -1 \\
-6 & -1 & \;\; 5 \\
\;\; 4 & \;\;\;\; 0.5 & -3
} \right]
\left[ \matrix {
\;\;\;\; 1 & -6 & \;\;\;\; 4 \\
\;\;\;\; 0.5 & -1 & \;\;\;\; 0.5 \\
\;-1 & \;\;\; 5 & \;-3
} \right]
\left( {\bf{A}}^{T} \right)^{\!-1} : \qquad
\left[ \matrix {
1 & 2 & 3 \\
4 & 2 & 2 \\
2 & 3 & 4
} \right]
\left[ \matrix {
1 & 4 & 2 \\
2 & 2 & 3 \\
3 & 2 & 4
} \right]
\left[ \matrix {
\;\;\;\; 1 & -6 & \;\;\;\; 4 \\
\;\;\;\; 0.5 & -1 & \;\;\;\; 0.5 \\
\;-1 & \;\;\; 5 & \;-3
} \right]
So \(\left( {\bf{A}}^{\!-1} \right)^T\) does indeed equal \(\left( {\bf{A}}^T \right)^{\!-1}\).
Matrix Addition
Matrices and tensors are added component by component just like
This is easily expressed in
tensor notation.
C_{ij} = A_{ij} + B_{ij}
Matrix Multiplication (Dot Products)
The dot product of two matrices multiplies each row of the first by each column
of the second. Products are often written with a dot in matrix notation as
\( {\bf A} \cdot {\bf B} \), but sometimes written without the dot
as \( {\bf A} {\bf B} \). Multiplication
rules are in fact best explained through
tensor notation.
C_{ij} = A_{ik} B_{kj}
(Note that no dot is used in tensor notation.) The \(k\) in both factors automatically implies
C_{ij} = A_{i1} B_{1j} + A_{i2} B_{2j} + A_{i3} B_{3j}
which is the i
th row of the first matrix multiplied by the j
th column of the
second matrix. If, for example, you want to compute \(C_{23}\), then \(i=2\) and \(j=3\), and
C_{23} = A_{21} B_{13} + A_{22} B_{23} + A_{23} B_{33}
Dot Product Example
If \( \quad {\bf A} = \left[
\matrix {
1 & 2 & 3 \\
4 & 2 & 2 \\
2 & 3 & 4
} \right] \quad
\( \quad {\bf B} = \left[
\matrix {
1 & 4 & 7 \\
2 & 5 & 8 \\
3 & 6 & 9
} \right] \quad
\( \quad {\bf A} \cdot {\bf B} \) =
\matrix {
1 & 2 & 3 \\
4 & 2 & 2 \\
2 & 3 & 4
\matrix {
1 & 4 & 7 \\
2 & 5 & 8 \\
3 & 6 & 9
\matrix {
14 & 32 & 50 \\
14 & 38 & 62 \\
20 & 47 & 74
Matrix Multiplication Webpage
This page calculates the dot product of two 3x3 matrices.
Tensor Notation and Computer Programming
Another advantage of
tensor notation
is that it spells out for you how to write
the computer code to do it. Note how the subscripts in the FORTRAN example
below exactly match the tensor notation for \(C_{ij} = A_{ik} B_{kj}\).
This is true for all tensor notation operations, not just this matrix dot
subroutine aa_dot_bb(n,a,b,c)
dimension a(n,n), b(n,n), c(n,n)
do i = 1,n
do j = 1,n
c(i,j) = 0
do k = 1,n
c(i,j) = c(i,j) + a(i,k) * b(k,j)
end do
end do
end do
Matrix Multiplication Is Not Commutative
It is very important to recognize that matrix multiplication is
NOT commutative, i.e.
{\bf A} \cdot {\bf B} \ne {\bf B} \cdot {\bf A}
Non-Commutativity Example
If \( \quad {\bf A} = \left[
\matrix {
1 & 2 & 3 \\
4 & 2 & 2 \\
2 & 3 & 4
} \right] \quad
\( \quad {\bf B} = \left[
\matrix {
1 & 4 & 7 \\
2 & 5 & 8 \\
3 & 6 & 9
} \right] \quad
\text{then }
{\bf A} \cdot {\bf B} =
\matrix {
1 & 2 & 3 \\
4 & 2 & 2 \\
2 & 3 & 4
\matrix {
1 & 4 & 7 \\
2 & 5 & 8 \\
3 & 6 & 9
\matrix {
14 & 32 & 50 \\
14 & 38 & 62 \\
20 & 47 & 74
\text{but } \;
{\bf B} \cdot {\bf A} =
\matrix {
1 & 4 & 7 \\
2 & 5 & 8 \\
3 & 6 & 9
\matrix {
1 & 2 & 3 \\
4 & 2 & 2 \\
2 & 3 & 4
\matrix {
31 & 31 & 39 \\
38 & 38 & 48 \\
45 & 45 & 57
So it is clear that \({\bf A} \cdot {\bf B}\) is not equal to
\({\bf B} \cdot {\bf A}\).
Transposes and Inverses of Products
The transpose of a product equals the product of the transposes
in reverse order, and
the inverse of a product equals the product of the inverses
in reverse order.
Note that the "in reverse order" is critical.
This is used extensively in the sections on
deformation gradients and
Green strains.
( {\bf A} \cdot {\bf B} )^T = {\bf B}^T \cdot {\bf A}^T
\qquad \text{and} \qquad
( {\bf A} \cdot {\bf B} )^{-1} = {\bf B}^{-1} \cdot {\bf A}^{-1}
This also applies to multiple products. For example
( {\bf A} \cdot {\bf B} \cdot {\bf C} )^T = {\bf C}^T \cdot {\bf B}^T \cdot {\bf A}^T
Transpose of Products Example
If \( \quad {\bf A} = \left[
\matrix {
1 & 2 & 3 \\
4 & 2 & 2 \\
2 & 3 & 4
} \right] \quad
\( \quad {\bf B} = \left[
\matrix {
1 & 4 & 7 \\
2 & 5 & 8 \\
3 & 6 & 9
} \right] \quad
{\bf A} \cdot {\bf B} =
\matrix {
1 & 2 & 3 \\
4 & 2 & 2 \\
2 & 3 & 4
\matrix {
1 & 4 & 7 \\
2 & 5 & 8 \\
3 & 6 & 9
\matrix {
14 & 32 & 50 \\
14 & 38 & 62 \\
20 & 47 & 74
( {\bf A} \cdot {\bf B} )^T =
\matrix {
14 & 14 & 20 \\
32 & 38 & 47 \\
50 & 62 & 74
For comparison,
{\bf B}^T \cdot {\bf A}^T =
\matrix {
1 & 2 & 3 \\
4 & 5 & 6 \\
7 & 8 & 9
\matrix {
1 & 4 & 2 \\
2 & 2 & 3 \\
3 & 2 & 4
\matrix {
14 & 14 & 20 \\
32 & 38 & 47 \\
50 & 62 & 74
Product With Own Transpose
The product of a matrix and its own transpose is always a symmetric matrix.
{\bf A}^T \cdot {\bf A}
{\bf A} \cdot {\bf A}^T
both give symmetric, although different results.
This is used extensively in the sections on
deformation gradients and
Green strains.
Symmetric Product Example
If \( \quad {\bf A} = \left[
\matrix {
1 & 2 & 3 \\
4 & 2 & 2 \\
2 & 3 & 4
} \right] \quad
{\bf A} \cdot {\bf A}^T =
\matrix {
1 & 2 & 3 \\
4 & 2 & 2 \\
2 & 3 & 4
\matrix {
1 & 4 & 2 \\
2 & 2 & 3 \\
3 & 2 & 4
\matrix {
14 & 14 & 20 \\
14 & 24 & 22 \\
20 & 22 & 29
{\bf A}^T \cdot {\bf A} =
\matrix {
1 & 4 & 2 \\
2 & 2 & 3 \\
3 & 2 & 4
\matrix {
1 & 2 & 3 \\
4 & 2 & 2 \\
2 & 3 & 4
\matrix {
21 & 16 & 19 \\
16 & 17 & 22 \\
19 & 22 & 29
Both results are indeed symmetric, although they are unrelated to each other.
Double Dot Products
The double dot product of two matrices produces a scalar result.
It is written in matrix notation as \({\bf A} : {\bf B}\).
Although rarely used outside of continuum mechanics,
is in fact quite common in advanced applications of
linear elasticity. For example, \( {1 \over 2} \sigma : \epsilon \)
gives the strain energy density in small scale linear elasticity.
Once again, its calculation is best explained with tensor notation.
{\bf A} : {\bf B} = A_{ij} B_{ij}
Since the \(i\) and \(j\) subscripts appear in both factors, they are both summed to give
\matrix {
{\bf A} : {\bf B} \; = \; A_{ij} B_{ij} \; = &
A_{11} * B_{11} & + & A_{12} * B_{12} & + & A_{13} * B_{13} & + \\
& A_{21} * B_{21} & + & A_{22} * B_{22} & + & A_{23} * B_{23} & + \\
& A_{31} * B_{31} & + & A_{32} * B_{32} & + & A_{33} * B_{33} &
Double Dot Product Example
If \( \quad {\bf A} = \left[
\matrix {
1 & 2 & 3 \\
4 & 2 & 2 \\
2 & 3 & 4
} \right] \quad
\( \quad {\bf B} = \left[
\matrix {
1 & 4 & 7 \\
2 & 5 & 8 \\
3 & 6 & 9
} \right] \quad
\matrix {
{\bf A} : {\bf B}\; & = & 1 * 1 & + & 2 * 4 & + & 3 * 7 & + \\
& & 4 * 2 & + & 2 * 5 & + & 2 * 8 & + \\
& & 2 * 3 & + & 3 * 6 & + & 4 * 9 \\
& \\
& = & 124